Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Employers of central Poland
We are pleased to inform you that mIT group is one of the founding members of the IPPCP.
The Chamber of Entrepreneurs and Employers of Central Poland is a Chamber of Commerce gathering companies operating in Central Poland:
Mariusz Znamierowski (owner of mIT group) is a member of the 30-person Board of the Chamber, actively participating in the unit associating member companies.
Piramowicza 9, 90-254 Łódź
Brukowa 8 (Sc. A, f. II), 91-341 Łódź
tel.: + 48 42 278-30-00
mob.: +48 509-344-954
Registration data
Brukowa 8, 91-341 Łódź
NIP: 947-200-13-94
KRS: 0000824743
REGON: 385358996